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- Article author: kimberly Ramey
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Thanksgiving is a holiday steeped in tradition- starting in 1621 when the Plymouth pilgrims and the Wampanoag natives enjoyed a three-day harvest feast to celebrate the New World- America!
Now days, I feel like most people skip right over Thanksgiving and jump into Christmas. But after surviving a pandemic last year, we all have plenty to be thankful for and should really take the time to make the most of the Thanksgiving holiday. A time to embrace the traditions of our past and create new memories for our families.
Since I'm a child of divorce, my mother has always held her banquet the Sunday before Thanksgiving. As we grew up and had families of our own, we are now required to bring a dish to relieve Mom from some of the cooking. My dish has forever and always been green bean casserole. And here's my green bean casserole recipe:
Mix soup, milk, and pepper in a 1 1/2 -qt. baking dish. Stir in beans and 2/3 cup Crispy Fried Onions.
Bake at 350°F for 30 min. or until hot. Stir.
Top with remaining 2/3 cup onions. Bake 5 min. until onions are golden.
(Not going to lie- this is the same recipe on the back of the French's Crispy Fried Onion box) 😂
One Thanksgiving, I was hurrying to get ready, get the kids dressed, and prepare my casserole so it would be nice and warm when we arrived. In my haste, I misread the directions, and accidentally put in a 1/4 cup of black pepper instead of the 1/8 tsp the recipe called for. Of course, I didn't realize my mistake until we started eating, and everyone was like, "Dang! This casserole is very peppery!" And bless my sweet son's heart because he was the only one who ate seconds, and said, "Mama, I like your spicy green beans!" (He's precious!) Needless to say, it was the only year that I brought back home leftover casserole, and 10 years later, my family still asks every year if I put too much black pepper in. Hahahaha!
What are some your favorite Thanksgiving traditions? We would love to hear from you, so please comment below and let us know! CFB hopes you have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving holiday!